The Connected Leader

Are you a CEO or HR manager in search of coaching for one or more of your leaders? Do you:

  • want leaders to be more responsible for managing issues that may arise as team members return to the office?
  • need to reconnect teams, especially new members of the team who have joined your organisation over the last two years?
  • need to enhance the confidence of leaders and their capabilities to meet new challenges?
  • find that leaders are becoming people-pleasers, due to a fear of displeasing superiors and job insecurity?
  • feel concerned that you’re going to lose good people and not be able to replace them?
  • feel afraid your leaders will not align with the organisation’s goals and plans as people return to the workplace?

Reconnect your team. Build a sense of belonging.
Align your team to your vision, goals and plan in the next 90 days.

Times are changing fast for leaders…

We hear a lot about the ‘Great Resignation’, a term arising from the great numbers of workers who quit their jobs throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, and there is plenty of evidence to support that the fear of a reduction in workers is a genuine one for many organisations and their leaders.

Typical challenges that some leaders are currently struggling with are:

  • reduction in the engagement and retention of team members
  • managing expectations around the return to the workplace and trying to please everyone
  • high-valued team members enticed to leave for better opportunities elsewhere
  • leading from fear and becoming a people pleaser as a result
  • not being effective in time management and experiencing burnout
  • not having a way of working that enables the shift from manager to leader and fear of micro-managing.

The Connected Leader Indicator

Leader Engagement

Click image to enlarge

The Defeated Leader

Leaders who feel lost and overwhelmed, and are not even sure where to start to turn things around, need to develop awareness of what needs attention and develop self-awareness of their own capabilities for action.

The Stagnated Leader

Leaders stagnate when results continuously fall short of expectations. At this level, feedback on performance is crucial to assist with beginning to refocus and moving forward.

The Committed Leader

Committed Leaders lean in to the issues, ask for support and are asked for support. They are capable of looking at the business with fresh eyes to help get things back on track.

The Inspired Leader

An Inspired Leader engages with the whole team, develops a plan, creates ownership across the team and ensures everyone is on the same page, working towards the same goals.

The Connected Leader

The team members of a Connected Leader are aligned cooperatively and empowered to deliver. Everyone knows what is expected and feels supported to deliver those expectations. Belief grows, confidence returns and results are achieved.

You can’t give to others what you don’t have yourself!

In 2024, developing your leaders will be essential to business performance.

In 2024, leaders face new challenges.

Many people feel burnt out and tired – and are leaving their current roles, hoping that the grass is greener elsewhere.

Working remotely seemed a great idea during pandemic lockdowns, and it still is for some people. But, for others, the return to the office cannot come quick enough.

For many leaders, trying to keep everyone happy, while in fear of losing great people and also managing business expectations, is a lot to manage.

The Environment

When employees are asked what they love about their jobs, their answers usually relate to the workplace environment, but this important aspect is often neglected by business executives and leaders. To ensure that people love their jobs and your leadership, it makes good business sense to create an environment in which people are connected, feel valued and appreciated, and strive to achieve results.

The Strategy

A business strategy will include strategic goals and plans, focused on crucial milestones and pillars for achieving the results desired for the business. When leaders feel ownership and buy into the strategy and its implementation, they will be more accountable for delivery of the strategy and what that achieves.


Recognising that results depend on the environment you create and the strategies you implement is an important aspect of the role of every leader.

Reconnect your team. Create a sense of belonging.
Align your team to your vision, goals and plan.

The Connected Leader coaching program will help leaders to:

  • understand their own leadership style, enabling them to lead more authentically
  • create an environment that connects the team to the organisation and to each other
  • create a plan that focuses on essential deliverables
  • lead in a way that empowers team members and avoids micromanaging
  • feel confident in having open and honest conversations
  • manage time more efficiently and focus on what matters.

The Connected Leader coaching program includes:

  • one (1) strategy session to clearly establish the goals and outcomes that it is important for you to achieve
  • a Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality preference profiling report
  • six (6) one-on-one coaching sessions to assist you to work towards your goals and outcomes
  • a coaching workbook and journal
  • unlimited access to myself during your involvement in the program
  • one (1) strategy and review session scheduled three months after your completion of the program.

This program is ideal for organisations looking to invest in their leaders’:

  • development of leadership skills that will be crucial in 2024

  • confidence to lead authentically
  • development of specific leadership skills
  • improvement in regard to staff engagement and retention
  • fast-tracking as high potential leaders

Book an appointment to speak with Alison.

What my clients say

Alison has been my mentor for the last 18 months since staring my first leadership role. She has taught me how to think more strategically when forward planning to work on my business. We have worked on projects together such as implementing new and improved team structures, which resulted in great sales results and enhanced productivity. Being new to leadership, having Alison as a mentor really gave me the confidence to lead, through her helpful tools and techniques. She truly has helped me to be the leader I am today.
Amy Harrison, Contiki Holidays
Alison has given me the confidence and the belief in myself that I have earned my place at the leadership table. She has been super patient with guiding me along this journey. I am super thankful that I have been lucky enough to use her time and energy as I know it has made me be a better leader and human-being.
Ashley Glass, Contiki Holidays
Alison provided me with skills surrounding time management, prioritising, planning and structuring conversations, understanding people’s behaviours and what impacts others. Having these tools has provided me the confidence and ability to approach things within the business with a vastly different approach to achieve the results and desired outcomes.
Matt Stephens | Team Leader, All Green
I always was able to go into a coaching session with Alison, knowing what we were going to achieve. I always walked from a session with clear goals and areas to focus on. This was then followed up in the next session to hold me accountability.

Working with Alison I was able to create a structure in my team that has led to a smoother way of working. I have been able to help my team become salespeople and not order takers leading to a 20% increase in revenue.

Taylah Scolaro | Team Leader, All Green

Investing in your leadership is a powerful way to meet your leadership priorities for 2024 and beyond, as well as the broader retail targets and goals.

Alison Crabb

About Alison

I am the Founder and Principal of Alison Crabb Consulting, and I have worked with some of Australia’s most recognised and successful organisations for more than twenty-five years. Through building a culture of excellence and continual improvement, under my leadership, my division delivered the Flight Centre Travel Group’s highest profit globally for eight consecutive years.

Working with me really does mean working with me. I personally facilitate all sessions, which allows me to observe each participant’s development and provide specific ongoing feedback and support. I use my knowledge, expertise and experience to deliver proven, high-quality transformational training. No components of my programs are outsourced.

‘If you keep doing what you have always done,
you’ll keep getting the same results.’