Last week I was delivering a workshop with a group of Retail Area Leaders for a fashion retailer.
I asked the question, “How are you feeling now that it’s the end of 2020?”
One of them, Sarah, said, “It’s hard to believe the year is over, but I do have to say I feel relieved.”
The rest of the group agreed in unison.
Relief that all stores across Australia are open.
Relief that it is Christmas and relief that customers are coming back to stores.
With all hands on deck, everyone is working on the here and now to make the most of the biggest sales time of the year and make up for lost sales.
But the question we need to ask is, what will we do in February and beyond when things return to Covid normal?
How we choose to look back on this year will impact how we move into 2021.
To be able to plan for the future, we should all take the time to reflect with our teams to make sure we do not miss the opportunity to learn and find the gold in what has been a year like no other.
If someone had said to me, “In 2020, I think you should take 6 months off to write your book, develop new programs and only deliver your training and coaching online”, I would have laughed at them. Instead, I feel grateful that I’ve had the opportunity to do just that.
A recent Fast Company article states that researchers have found that individuals who report feeling and expressing gratitude more report a great level of positive emotions such as happiness, joy and optimism. At the same time, they have a lower level of negative emotions such as anger, distress, depression and shame. They also report a higher level of life satisfaction.
Through all of the challenges, in many ways, this has been a wonderful year. I have achieved the things I have been talking about for a while and couldn’t find the time to do. This year has been filled with opportunities… well, this is how I am choosing to look at it.
As a leader, how are you approaching the retail landscape in 2021?
Retail recovery in 2021 will require all of the leaders in the organization to be aligned, set new goals and work together to achieve them. A 2015 study by psychologist Gail Matthews showed when people wrote down their goals. They were 33% more successful in achieving them than those who formulated outcomes in their heads.
As the famous Tony Robbins says,
Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.
What should you do now to ensure you have a plan for 2021?
If you lead a team, bringing your team together and answering these questions will be a wonderful process to take them through. Reconnect, align and acknowledge the journey you have been on together.
Here are some questions to ask and share:
1. What have been your biggest challenges this year?
2. What have you learned about yourself this year?
3. What have you learned about your team this year?
4. What new skills have you developed?
5. What have you gained from 2020?
6. Who have been your biggest support crew in 2020?
7. From what you have experienced, what do you want to take with you in 2021?
8. What do you need to keep doing in 2021?
9. What commitments do you need to make to yourself and each other for 2021?
10. What will be the first actions you need to take to keep those commitments?
If you’ve decided you want to make 2021 your year to grow as a leader, I’d love to hear what you’ve decided what your wish list will be.
Drop me a note: alison@alisoncrabb.com.au