retail leadership

Recent studies have found an alarming 35% of retail employees feel disengaged with their work.

Yes, 35%.

Over a third of your workforce.

These figures are of great concern. High performing retail staff are key to elevating sales and repeat business, vital for retail growth.

There’s an abundance of retail competition. Online shopping (on and offshore), social media, and direct marketing options continually grow. Retailers have no alternative other than to raise the bar providing an excellent customer experience to attract consumers back into their stores.

Sounds simple, but how is this achieved when morale is low, and expectations are high?

My firm belief is success starts with an effective and influential Regional Manager. The right Regional Manager will provide a window to your company’s goals and values. They will set expectations and lift engagement by driving a smooth functioning, high performing team. Unfortunately, in many cases, the importance of effective training that reflects the role they fulfil is not given enough consideration. Many Regional Managers expect to hit the ground running with little guidance.

I should know. I worked for several Regional Managers via my leadership programs, managed many, and most importantly, was one.

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